March 7, 2009 they sell sex or just their time?

AUTHOR: Samaina Rathor

"Availing an escort service is considered to be one of the most excellent ways to spend a lonely and forlorn night. Escorts help in making the night exciting and loving. Escort Agencies are available all around the world and one can avail them in any part of the globe. Among the entire escort services available all around the world the most famous and popular are the female escorts in Holland.Holland escorts provide one with the best service that can be available in the world.

There are various reasons which make the Holland best escorts so famous all over the world. The primary and the foremost reason for this the beauty of the escorts Holland escort is sure to be one of the most appealing women on the world. With their panache and flair for picking up beauties, Holland escort services provide their customers with the most well endowed and tantalizingly sexy girls. Their unparalleled beauty and enviable figure is capable of leaving almost all the men in this world breathless. Even imagining spending good times with these charming beauties can excite anyone. Holland escorts are not only beautiful and charming but they are also a good company to be with. Known for their common sense and wit these beautiful damsels are considered to be one of the hottest properties around the globe.

One more thing that sets the Holland escorts apart is the management. In the hands of quite efficient people who run the agencies that provide with escort service, the customers can take it for granted that they will get the most unparalleled service of which they can only dream of. The efficient management of the agencies provides a quick service at almost all the corners of the great metro city. Escorts are dropped at anywhere from hotels to home in metros. The prices of these escorts are also quite affordable. One can easily avail an economic escort service which can give them the full worth for their money. One thing is sure that the Holland escorts can give one an experience of their lifetime which can be not easily found anywhere in the world.

It is all depend on the service they provide. Some escorts agency in holland don't sell sex, they don't even talk about sex. They provide you with their company to make your day. In order to enjoy this kind of service, you need to know how to discuss their services correctly. In order to discuss anything intelligently, you need knowledge. Escorts do or don’t sell sex! As a matter of fact, you can pretty much insure a really bad experience with any escort if you ask her how much it would cost to have sex with you. All escorts will tell you what they expect in pay, before they get there. So don't make the escort ask you for money and talk about sex! Some escorts agency in Holland offer a variety of service, for example if you are much tensed and you need just some one to talk with or you want to have someone to sex with you can go escort services. I want to tell you that whether they are selling sex or not it is all depend on what kind of services they provide. "

Big penis and erection tips for men

AUTHOR: Clark Sunnyy

Here are some big penis and erection tips for men. There is a muscle in the penis when strengthened can provide harder erections. When the pubucoccygeal muscle is strong it can give you more control over ejaculation and have more intense orgasms. 

The Penis Advantage method shows you how to lengthen and strengthen your penis.The methods allows men to achieve a bigger penis and more intense orgasms. This method now has over 12,000 happy men using this bigger penis method. 

Here is an example of a penis exercise. To make your penis bigger there are little exercises you can use. One such exercise is to tighten your muscles to stop the flow while urinating. Do a couple of repetitions daily and slowly build up. 

A great, but often overlooked, thing you can do for your penis is to be healthy. Your penis being connected to the body is influenced by how healthy you are. Here are some healthy tips. 

Eat a good diet. A good diet will assist your bigger penis growing program. Food is fuel. Quality food will benefit your body. What benefits your body does the same for your penis. 

There are things that can harm erections. Medicines can have side effects for your penis. It is always best to check with your Doctor beforehand. 

Smoking and excessive alcohol can lead to a limp penis. Everything in moderation is a good idea. Get plenty of sleep. Sleep is where your body regenerates itself. Go to bed with a clear head. If you take worry and concern to bed with you it can stop you from having a deep sleep. As a result when you awaken you are not as refreshed. 

Stress can prevent erections. It helps to be relaxed during sex. Tension in the body limits how much blood can flow. If someone is stressed out it is more difficult to have an erection because blood to the penis does not flow as easily. 

The Penis Advantage method is used by men all over the world. Add 1- 4 inches of penis size in weeks. There is plenty of support and you get a forum as well with all the support and communication it provides. 

Visit the Penis Advantage site here. Get a big penis with the latest Big Penis method here.

Is marijuana really that bad for you?

AUTHOR: Serj Sagan

When I originally started the research for this editorial I had the title of "The top 10 reasons to not smoke marijuana" in mind. However the more I researched, the more I realized that I would be hard pressed to find only 5 reasons to avoid marijuana and therefore surprisingly enough had to change the title to what it is now. I was especially surprised to learn that specific areas where I was "certain" that marijuana was bad for you, like pregnancy, were also misconceptions. Therefore we will cover the five major concerns with marijuana and the truth about its negative or not so negative effects on you.

I remember as a teenager smoking pot, I learned to create reasons to justify my habit. Reasons like "it's not addictive", "you never hear of a pothead beating up his wife or kids, unlike an alcoholic","$50 bag of weed will last you all week, and you can drop twice that or more in one night at the bar", and others. However the fact remains that although research proves that marijuana is not physically addictive, it is very addictive mentally. We begin to crave the euphoria of marijuana and what starts out as a once a week thing becomes a once a day thing, in the evenings after work; to potentially lead to an all day thing, including going to work or school stoned. This is not something that all marijuana smokers do, but it is very common. If you are confused about the difference between physical and mental addiction let me compare it to something more easier to understand. Take your own "addiction" such as a favorite video game (World of Warcraft), game system (PS3 or Xbox), TV show (American Idol, football), shopping, or other favorite activity that if you could be paid for doing then you would be in absolute heaven. Now imagine that you are barred from ever doing it again. That feeling that you are feeling is what marijuana addiction feels like when someone is trying to quit. You know you can do it, but you really, really, REALLY don't want to.

Physical limitations
First of all the obvious stuff. If you drive while stoned you are more likely to cause a wreck then even drunk. You will get a DUI if pulled over. It is very dangerous so don't do it. Work where physical labor or operating machinery is involved is also something to be avoided especially if you work in dangerous conditions. Your speech is also affected. You talk slower. You take longer to think of a response. Your responses are sometimes, not to be offensive, stupid. Therefore if you are going to be giving a presentation in front of the whole class or you have a customer service job, then smoking weed before such an activity is a really bad idea. If you do decide to smoke weed then you should consider weed as an entertainment only, something like alcohol; if you wouldn't get drunk before going to work, then you shouldn't smoke weed before work either.

Sexual function
Sexual function is probably the most widely known reason why weed "should" be avoided and per research is the most true. Research proves that while stoned and up to 3 days after your last intake of marijuana your ability to get an erection is significantly reduced. Then, even if you can get it up, your ability to keep it hard is also greatly reduced. This can lead to an embarrassing situation, obviously. There is some concern that perhaps there are long term effects associated with long term marijuana use, however all research studies so far have shown that after 15 to 30 days of the last intake of marijuana, sexual function is restored to that of prior to marijuana use, even in long term users. There is also some evidence that shows male enhancement, whether it be exercises or pills reduces some of the dysfunction, however there have yet to be formal studies done on this.

Reproductive concerns
What I found out about marijuana's effect on the reproductive system was the biggest shockers to me. A major study done by Melanie C. Dreher, PhD; Kevin Nugent, PhD; and Rebekah Hudgins, MA showed that there was absolutely no negative impact on the development of a child whose mothers smoked marijuana during pregnancy, and some of these mothers smoked NINE joints per day every single day. It was hard to believe when you consider alcohol syndrome, the debilitating effect on kids whose mothers drank alcohol during pregnancy. They tested these kids at 1 day old, 3 days old, 30 days old, then came back and tested them again at 3 years old, and again at 5 years old, and NONE of them showed any health defects, developmental problems or any other negative effect. Other studies done later confirm this finding. The negative effect that is a concern however is that a male's sperm production is reduced if he has been smoking marijuana, thus making it more difficult for a woman to become pregnant.

Social issues
We will quickly touch on this subject as this may be obvious, but is the most important consideration for marijuana users. Marijuana use is illegal in the United States unless it is for medical purposes. This creates the situation of where you must consider whether it is "worth it" to use marijuana. If you get caught you go to jail, you may lose your job, your friends and family may be greatly disappointed. If you have children they may get taken away. You may potentially lose everything you have if you get caught. The other concern is if you have friends who do not do marijuana, they may have a difficult time relating to you while you are stoned, therefore you are potentially sacrificing these relationships.

As this information was originally gathered to discourage marijuana use, in the end it turned out more informational than anything. So if you choose to use marijuana or choose to avoid it, hopefully you now have a clearer idea as to the choice that is right for you.
About The Author

Serj Sagan is the CEO and owner of a Natural Male Enhancement company, Male Enhancement Research. Dedicated to find the real truth about male enhancement products and companies and expose it to the consumer. Copyright 2009 Serj Sagan of This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

why would you pay $10,000 for penis reduction?

AUTHOR: Serj Sagan

Being in the business of the penis enlargement industry, I have heard case after case of horrible situations involving penis augmentation surgery, or commonly known as penis enlargement surgery. All of these cases involve irreversible effects, leaving a man either without a penis at all, a penis that is non-functional, or in best cases a scarred, deformed penis that has lost only some of its functionality.

First I would like to address the misconception behind surgical penis enlargement. Being men, we tend to care for our penis quite a bit. We make sure it is clean, if we see some kind of new spot; we immediately become concerned, wondering if everything's okay, in general we place great importance on it. So it is not very hard for someone to realize that being involved in a penis industry will have success. Today we see hundreds of different products, techniques, surgery, pumps, weights, and even hypnosis. Everything and anything that people can scam you out of your money. 

Now being that we are society that trusts doctors with our deepest secrets, secrets that even our spouse may not know about, we look for doctors when we are faced with a problem that involves our physical body, even the most intimate parts of our body. We trust doctors beyond immeasurable scopes. We will spend from $3,000 to $10,000 so our wives can get bigger breasts. The doctor fills the breasts full of silicone and bam, problem solved. Now this is where our biggest misconception comes from, if women can have it done, why can't men have it done? Why would we not be able to successfully increase the size of our penis with surgery? Doctors are magicians right? Wrong. We fail to remember a few things. Breasts do not necessarily have to serve any function, it is like plastic surgery, and it is done for looks only. The penis is an organ that is required to function on a daily basis however, quite often several times per day. If it was just about looks then it would not be such a big issue. However there are an extremely large number of cases with men whose penis increases in size by several inches, but the problem is that he can't get it up. What is the purpose of that? Just to throw out a few more stats at you, on the average penis enlargement surgery costs around $5,000. More than 50% of these surgeries require additional "reconstructive" surgery generally costing for a total of over $10,000. Why would spend that kind of money? Some people save years for these kinds of operations, only to come out damaged for life. 

Now what about alternatives? First I'd like to make sure that you even need an alternative. What is the reason for why you want a larger penis? Is it so you perform better in bed? Is it to be able to satisfy your sexual partner more? Is it so you don't feel ashamed at the gym, or any other place where others can see your penis? If you said yes to any of these questions then you do not need penis enlargement. What you need is some confidence, maybe some more skills in bed, or in a worst scenario you just need something to help with the premature ejaculation. There are only a few reasons where I can see a larger penis a must; one includes trying to become a porn star. 
Whatever your reason is however, there are natural, safe, and healthy ways of penis enlargement. Some of our recommended forms of penis enlargement are penis exercises such as jelqing and penis enlargement pills such as VigRX, Magna-RX+ and VP-RX, among others. There are many penis enlargement products, so please be sure to do your research before making your decision.

About The Author
Serj Sagan is the CEO and owner of a Male Enhancement company, Male Enhancement Research. Dedicated to find the real truth about male enhancement products and companies and expose it to the consumer. Copyright 2009 Serj Sagan of Male Enhancement Research. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

March 1, 2009

the subtle art of flirting

AUTHOR: Maureen Shaw

If animals perform a certain dance or give off some characteristics to entice their mate, humans also have a similar ritual and it’s called flirting. Flirting is basically a form of human interaction that expresses one’s romantic or sexual interest towards another person, particularly the opposite sex. Flirting can be one-sided or reciprocated and it commonly consists an ordinary conversation, body language, or abrupt physical contact.

There are instances when flirting is done solely for entertainment purposes. During courtship or even in long-term relationships, flirting is a way of expressing interest and assessing the other person’s attraction. On the other hand, flirting can be a simple prelude to casual sex with no intention of continuing into a deeper relationship. This type of flirting is often rebuked or condemned by others because it can be misinterpreted as gravely careless or it may be regarded as an act of cheating especially if the other person is already involved in a romantic relationship with someone else.

Those who practice the art of flirting may speak and act in a manner that intimates more familiarity than what is usually suitable to a relationship or to the amount of time two people have actually known each other. As a general rule, you can say or do anything as long as you do not violate any significant social norm. One creative way of pulling off clever flirting is to convey a sense of irony and playfulness. You can follow other people who use double entendres, with one meaning more formally proper and another strongly suggestive.

The beauty of flirting is that it can be accomplished through a lot of methods including stylized gestures, verbal communication, body language, postures, and physiologic signs. Western culture had invented quite a number of ways for flirting, employing every part of your body starting from the face to the foot. Eye contact is probably the most basic form of flirting and it can be varied depending on your style like batting your eyelashes or winking. Ladies of olden days used to turn to Protean signals such as touching their hair to show interest in a man and that gesture is still evident on modern women today.

Teasing and playful banter are other effective ways of flirting. Casual touches like a woman touching a man’s arm during conversation is another nifty act of flirting. You can also go the conservative way such as sending love letters, poems or small tokens showing your affection. Some spontaneous simple flirting techniques are suggestive smile, flattery, coyness, affected shyness or exaggerated modesty,artful playfulness, and other casual put-ons. There is also a bold and daring style of flirting called “footsie” or “feet under the table” practice. Online chat as well as other one-on-one and direct messaging services are common contemporary flirting tactics practiced by many people at present.

While most subconscious signs of flirting are common across different cultures, flirting etiquettes vary considerably from one culture to another which often led to misinterpretations. There are distinctions on how closely people should stand, how long to hold eye contact, and so on and forth. The important thing to remember is when you want to succeed in flirting, do it in a subtle and polished way.

Lots of Orgasms are good for you

AUTHOR: Gagan Singh


Scientists have finally confirmed a fact that many had suspected and the very thing the men wanted to hear: regular orgasms are great for his sex life. A report by Finland scientists suggest that frequent sexual intercourse or ejaculation through masturbation can significantly reduce a man's chances of developing erectile dysfunction. Similar to the 'use it or lose it' concept, regular sexual activities can promote maintenance of normal erectile function and may even improve erection strength.

Published in 'The American Journal of Medicine (July), the report reveals that men (aged 55 to 75 years old) who have ejaculations less than once a week had two times the risk of erectile dysfunctions, compared to men who had sex or masturbated at least once a week. Scientists believe that regular sexual activities may be the key to combating erectile dysfunctions because they help to bring blood (oxygen) to the penis and improve blood circulations to the smaller blood vessels and sensitive nerves located there.


The penis consists of a series of arteries and veins, and erectile tissues which will be filled with blood when the penis is erected. During arousal, blood carried by the penile arteries enters the three sponge-like tissue chambers in the penis and cause it to lengthen and stiffen. The engorged erectile tissue will also press against these veins thereby constricting them and limit the blood from leaving the penis. When more blood enters than leaves the penis, an erection can be achieved and maintained. In other words, the only thing limiting the size of your penis and the erection is the size of these erectile tissues.In fact, many penis enlargement programs claimed that they know how to train these erectile tissue using 'exercises' to help the men increase penis size. Their (unproven) logic is similar to how a bodybuilder would do to make his muscles grow.


“Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place.” Billy Crystal

So the secret is out – if you want a larger sex organ, have more sex! As if we need the scientists to tell the men to engage in more sexual activities or to convince the younger adult males to explore their genitals or sex. At least, the men have a perfect excuse to want sex, or a good retort if they are caught pleasuring themselves. So remember, if you are a man and reading this, make sure you get off on a weekly basis… after all, it is doctor’s order! And to enhance your masturbatory pleasure, use a TENGA which is specifically designed and made for the men. is pleased to present Tenga new adult novelty concept specifically for men! Incorporating ergonomically and anatomically-correct designs, Tenga products offer precise sensual stimulation on the manhood to give you the ultimate male masturbation pleasure, and the most intense orgasms you can ever achieve.


AUTHOR: OK Webmaster LCC

For centuries, many cultures have engaged in the art of sharing their partners with others, you only have to look to the days of Roman Orgies or the practices of the Alaskan Inuit tribe. The start of what is known as modern day swinging has however, only been around since the 1950’s. In the 1950’s swinging started to gain media attention through the wife-swapping parties held by members of the military, rather than swingers clubs, the initial modern day swingers held key parties, which involved husbands placing their keys into a pile and their wives randomly picking a key. Whoever the owner of the key was, ended up being the sexual partner of the wife for the evening.

Since the Key Club days, swinging has evolved from informal gatherings,, through to the establishment of dedicated swingers clubs in the 1960’s. The Sexual Freedom League of Berkeley, California, even started a lobby group to advance the acceptance of swinging within the community. During the 1970’s, California dominated the swinging scene with the establishment of on premise swinging clubs, where swinging activity freely took place behind open doors. With the advent of swinging magazines and newspapers, swinging was able to gain popularity with couples who wanted to retain discretion and not be seen at on premise swingers clubs. Swinging advertising took the world of swinging to new levels allowing more and more couples to indulge in the hedonistic culture. Today, the swinging phenomena has extended all throughout the world thanks to the advent of the internet and initial introductions by US military personnel serving abroad. While the exact numbers of swingers world remains a mystery, it is believed that between 15% and 25% of all couples will engage in some sort of swinging activity. Since the 1950’s, swinging has developed beyond expectations with more and more couples entering the lifestyle each year.

Visit : to learn more information

February 27, 2009

Find True Love Online

True love is blind-this is probably one of the things that we often hear about love. But is this really true?

There may be some people who will say that it is indeed true. People can disregard certain facts and contradictions just to fight for the ones they love. Over the years, we have see couples/lovers who we might say are incompatible but then they turn out to be each other soul mates.

Finding one’s true love cannot only happen in real life. The meeting of two destined individuals may not necessarily happen face to face. Lovers who end up with each other might have met via the Internet. Yes, the Internet a.k.a the World Wide Web.

In this day and age, with all the technology, it is possible to find the ONE via the Internet. Over the years, people have found a new option when it came to love and dating. Over the internet, tons of dating websites have spurned. These sites cater to all-regardless of gender, tastes, and preferences. There are tons of sites on the Internet that offer dating services and they are very accessible. If you haven’t tried it out and you are one of those who are finding it very hard to find the perfect match, this is one option that you can try. Trying it out wouldn’t eat a lot of your time up. Since it’s fairly easy to join-it usually just requires you to sign and pay up (if you want to join a site that has a membership fee), it’s time that you try these online dating services.

Once you have signed up, it’s time to try your luck in finding someone on the Internet who might be the One for you. At first, the idea might creep you out but as long as you sign up for a legitimate one, the odds of it being creepy or disturbing is slim. But then you wouldn’t really know what will happen if you don’t try it out. And maybe once you have tried it out, it increases the chances of you finding out the ideal mate online.

AUTHOR: Maureen Shaw

Give your woman instant orgasms

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10 things that women want

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Better, Longer Lasting Sex with Herbs

If you are a man or a woman and want to enjoy better longer lasting sex, you can - by taking a combination of herbs which will improve staying power and heighten satisfaction...

So why do some people lack desire or don't enjoy intense orgasm? Some of the common reasons are outlined below; with some herbs that can cure all the problems and will help you enjoy better sex.

Both male and female sexuality is based on strong blood flow to and into the sex organs when arousal occurs. To enjoy strong libido and get the most from sex, you must have strong blood circulation; it's the very basis of sexual satisfaction.

Testosterone is the sex hormone and contrary to popular belief, it's needed by women as much as men. It provides energy and stamina, so you can last longer and enjoy sex more.

The mind plays a role as well and anyone who is stressed, worried, tired or depressed is unlikely to be in the mood to think about sex.

Here are some herbs which will cure low libido and improve sexual satisfaction.

Avena Sativa

Avena Sativa helps to produce testosterone, improves blood circulation and helps the body relax which can lead to more intense orgasms.


This herb improves blood flow to the sex organs, helps to increase levels of testosterone, increases energy levels, fights stress and improves mood.

Horny Goat Weed

This herb increases levels of testosterone and nitric oxide. Nitric oxide plays a key role in libido in terms of allowing an increased blood flow into the sex organs by relaxing and widening the blood vessels. The herb also fights stress and increases energy levels.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo increases blood flow throughout the body and to the sex organs and keeps the blood vessels healthy at the same time. It also increases metabolism efficiency, regulates neurotransmitters, fights fatigue and stress and enhances overall body energy.

Ashwagandha - Extract "Indian Ginseng"

Ashwagandha energizes and rejuvenates the body as a whole and is one of the best tonic herbs you can take. The herb is known to increase libido and satisfaction in both men and women and plays a role in promoting overall sexual and reproductive balance.

Get these Herbs and Others for Better Sex

These herbs will be found in all the best herbal sex pills for men and women and will help you not only enjoy sex more, they will improve your overall health at the same time.

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Stiffer, Harder Erections

If you want a stiffer and harder erection, without having to take synthetic drugs, you can get naturally and quickly with the enclosed herbs...

Before we look at our combination of herbs, let's look at some common reasons why men suffer from erection problems.

Sluggish blood circulation is one of the major causes of impotence; your erection relies on an increased amount of blood being sent to and into the penis. Any man, who suffers with erection problems, is likely to have poor blood circulation.

Another major cause of poor erectile function is lack of strength and stamina and it's vital that the body produces plenty of testosterone which is of course the key male sex hormone.

Last but not least, your mind needs to be free of worry and stress, so you can focus on sex.

So what herbs can help? There is no one miracle herb but if you take the right combination you can improve your overall health and get stiffer erections that last for longer. Below you will find a combination of herbs that work.


Cnidium improves blood flow throughout the body and to the genitals; the herb also helps increase nitric oxide which is the chemical which relaxes and expands the blood vessels that lead to the penis, allowing the extra blood needed to enter and form an erection.

Horny Goat Weed

Horny Goat Weed, increases levels of testosterone, enhances nitric oxide secretion, reduces stress and boosts overall body energy.


Ginseng is a great blood tonic and boosts blood circulation to all areas of the body; the herb also fights stress, improves mood and keeps sperm healthy.

Maca Root Extract

Maca contains sterols which act on the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands, producing hormones, leading to increased body energy and sex drive.

Mucuna Pruriens Extract The high levels of l-dopa in the mucuna seed are converted to dopamine which stimulates the release of testosterone by the pituitary gland. L-dopa and dopamine also inhibit prolactin; high levels of which are thought to be responsible for around 70-80% of erection failures in normally healthy men.

Get them All in the Best Herbal Sex Pills for Men

You will find all the above herbs in the best herbal sex pills, to help you get stiffer, harder erections and enhance your overall wellness at the same time.


For everything to do with getting a rock hard erection and more on the BEST Herbal Sex Pills visit our website at:

AUTHOR: Kelly Price